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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
interface StatusEvent
import { type StatusEvent } from "";


id: number

The unique identifier of the status.

sha: string

The Commit SHA.

name: string
avatar_url: string | null
target_url: string | null

The optional link added to the status.

context: string
description: string | null

The optional human-readable description added to the status.

| "pending"
| "success"
| "failure"
| "error"

The new state. Can be pending, success, failure, or error.

commit: { sha: string; node_id: string; commit: { author: Committer & { date: string; }; committer: Committer & { date: string; }; message: string; tree: { sha: string; url: string; }; url: string; comment_count: number; verification: { verified: boolean; reason:
| "expired_key"
| "not_signing_key"
| "gpgverify_error"
| "gpgverify_unavailable"
| "unsigned"
| "unknown_signature_type"
| "no_user"
| "unverified_email"
| "bad_email"
| "unknown_key"
| "malformed_signature"
| "invalid"
| "valid"
; signature: string | null; payload: string | null; }; }; url: string; html_url: string; comments_url: string; author: User | null; committer: User | null; parents: { sha: string; url: string; html_url: string; }[]; }
branches: { name: string; commit: { sha: string; url: string; }; protected: boolean; }[]

An array of branch objects containing the status' SHA. Each branch contains the given SHA, but the SHA may or may not be the head of the branch. The array includes a maximum of 10 branches.

created_at: string
updated_at: string
repository: Repository
sender: User
installation: InstallationLite
organization: Organization