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type alias SetOptional
import { type SetOptional } from "";

Create a type that makes the given keys optional. The remaining keys are kept as is. The sister of the SetRequired type.

Use-case: You want to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are optional.


Example 1

import type {SetOptional} from 'type-fest';

type Foo = {
	a: number;
	b?: string;
	c: boolean;

type SomeOptional = SetOptional<Foo, 'b' | 'c'>;
// type SomeOptional = {
// 	a: number;
// 	b?: string; // Was already optional and still is.
// 	c?: boolean; // Is now optional.
// }

Type Parameters

Keys extends keyof BaseType
definition: Simplify<Except<BaseType, Keys> & Partial<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>>