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Fastro is a simple and fast web framework built on top of deno. Its speed is close to the raw deno http library.

Module Req/s avg Percentage
Deno 23078.19 100.00%
Fastro 21344.37 92.48%

Written in typescript. No need to register routes, controllers, middlewares, templates, or static files. They will be loaded and saved when the server starts.

Getting Started

Go to the quickstart to install command line interface and create a project.


Fastro provides easy-to-use features for web development.

application/json x-www-form-urlencoded
multipart/form-data command line interface
data validation dynamic url param
serverless deployment cookie
middleware proxy
query param static files
url prefix url redirection
url routing by file name template rendering
react server side rendering (ssr) seo ready react html template

You can see detailed examples here.

Serverless Demo